40 years of
We have the know-how you need for Tax Services
Nobody likes paying tax, but we know we have to. Our job is to make the tax you pay lawful and not to pay more than you have to. Despite what government says that tax is getting simpler, it actually gets more complex with very year, and this is where Carbon Accountants can help. Here are some of our tips:
It’s never too early; don’t miss a tax planning opportunity just because of the timing of a transaction. Speak to us before you make a large disposal or acquisition.
Get the basics right, there are many unused allowances, tax reducers and relief’s that are not always fully utilised
Is there a saving by changing your trading status. Should you form a limited company, sole trader or partnership. We look at all the alternatives.
Pay yourself efficiently, remuneration planning, dividend, salary, bonus, benefits in kind or a combination of all? With the increase popularity of Hybrid and electric vehicles is a company car an option? we look at the tax implications of all benefits.
Succession planning: Have you got a Will in place? always plan how you intend to pass on your business or personal wealth to the next generation. Inheritance tax is 100% avoidable but get it wrong and it could be 40% taxable!
Make sure you start a pension, don't leave this too late the sooner you start the better the return. What could be better tax relief going into a pension and tax relief coming out, as the saying goes "Its hard paying into a pension but its even harder retiring without a pension"
Plan ahead of your year end date when it comes to claiming Plant and Machinery Capital allowances. If your planning new equipment then it may be beneficial to plan ahead and claim the allowances at the end of the company financial year.
Tax free investments using "Enterprise Investment Scheme" Introduced in 1994 the Enterprise Investment Scheme is operated by HMRC to encourage private investment into growing British companies, and offering investors 30% tax relief opportunities to amount invested. This is an excellent tax relief scheme but can be higher risk so seek advice from our partner Financial